How to Build a High Quality Site, One that Panda Likes…

Building a high quality website (one that Panda loves) can be done at all skill levels. Whether you’re a professional webmaster with a number of established sites or a beginner blogger discovering WordPress themes for the very first time, there are a number of ways which can help to improve the content quality on your website. So why is it so important? Because Panda said so.
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The Panda Update
The Panda algorithm update was engineered with one main aim; to reduce the rankings of low quality sites.
“Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible. This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as new content—both good and bad—comes online all the time.” — Google Official Blog
The Panda’s primary focus was on low quality content, with content farms and article submission sites taking the biggest hit. Some innocent victims may have been injured along the way, but any utilitarian would understand the algorithm changes were for the greater good. So how do you ensure that your website is of high quality? The answer is also simple: value.
Provide Value with a High Quality Site
Your entire website can be affected by just a few pieces of low quality content. That’s right – having some low quality content could harm your whole site’s rankings, so everything you write, counts. If you can provide value to website users then you’re half way there.
“Our advice for publishers continues to be to focus on delivering the best possible user experience on your websites and not to focus too much on what they think are Google’s current ranking algorithms or signals.” — Amit Singhal, Google
So a building website for the people who are going to use it, rather than the robots which crawl it, is something that we all need to focus on in 2022. But how can you ensure that your website is providing the best experience for web users?
How to Audit the Quality of a Website
Amit Singhal, Google Fellow (image source:
According to Amit Singhal of Google, there are a few determining questions which could help you look at your site objectively – see his full list on the Google Webmaster Central Blog. Here, we provide our own list of 10 important questions to ask yourself when trying to build a high quality website that your visitors (and Panda) will love.
1. Trust – do you trust the information presented on this website?
2. Depth – is the content written by an expert or is it shallow in nature?
3. Differentiation – does this website have duplicate, overlapping or similar articles?
4. Safety – would you feel comfortable handing over your credit card details on this site?
5. Quality – what is the content quality? Are there any spelling / grammatical errors?
6. Authenticity – is the content written for genuine reader interest or is it directed at search engines?
7. Value – does the content provide information, entertainment or any other value to the reader?
8. Dependability – can you depend on this site to provide you with continued value?
9. Likeability – would you bookmark this site do you can return again or recommend to others?
10. Taste – is the website created with taste which is appropriate for the particular industry / area of interest?
We hope you have found this blog post useful to building your website. Here at , we always welcome response articles from bloggers who agree with, disagree with or just want to expand on what we say.
On a more personal note, our SEO experts have found Amit Singhal’s blog posts informative and enlightening and would definitely recommend him to other search marketers. So “Thank you, Amit!” from all at WMG.
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